Big News.
We are pleased to announce the arrival of Bird News Items, a weekly news letter that aggregates interesting or important news about birds. The ‘inaugural issue’ is headlined: “The Billion Bird Migration.”
To subscribe, click on this link, enter your email address into the box, send, and you’re on the list. It will be in your in-box every other Saturday morning by 10am ET.
My brother, Alexander “Hap” Ellis III, is the executive editor of Bird News Items. An ardent bird watcher, Hap is on the Administrative Board of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, which describes itself as “the world's leading resource for conservation, research, education, and citizen science focused on birds.” Most everyone in the birding world shares that assessment.
Lisa Noschese is the managing editor of Bird News Items. Comments, suggestions and “tips” should be sent to her directly at
Yours truly is but one of many hunter/gatherers of news stories about birds. For the time being, we are relying on a network of family and friends who love birds to find the most interesting and/or important bird news. Eventually, we’ll have a community of bird-lovers and bird-watchers sending us news of sightings, bird science, expeditions, etc. We encourage readers to send us photographs of the birding places they’ve been and the birds they have seen.
Bird News Items will be free for one year. Thereafter, we intend to partner with a leading bird organization (Cornell Lab, Audubon, other) and offer a subscription that includes a charitable donation to that organization.